Yes. WAcademy is a TOP school for advanced web designers who seek to excel in their field and get work placements right after graduation. We help them get real-world experience and build a portfolio of examples by accepting applications for free websites from business owners like yourself. You get a free website, and the student gets more experience. Quality control is guaranteed by dedicated project managers and the students’ professors. We’re also sponsored by Getspace — a partner who provides us with the latest tools and next-generation testing environment to make your websites perfect.

We need to receive this:

  • Website structure (an outline of the pages you want to have, site menu, etc.)
  • Copy (text content)
  • Any media you want us to use (logos, pictures, videos)
  • Features (Google maps, contact forms, etc.)

If you don’t have these yet — don’t worry. Your dedicated project manager will help you get prepared.

That’s completely fine. We can help you select media from various free sources, such as unsplash.com — a free directory of beautiful pictures fit for commercial use.

Every website or online store needs a domain name, a hosting service, and security (usually provided together with hosting). We recommend using a premium web hosting provider like Getspace — we’ll include their fee in your website’s running costs (it’s less than £30 per month). They have top-quality servers that guarantee fast loading times and high-security standards.

Yes, you can use your domain, or purchase one from any supplier.

We guarantee that you will get the first draft created within 20-30 business days. Just be sure to send us all the required information first — that will speed up the development.

We’ll start the development by doing a briefing where you will outline your vision for the website. Then, once we present a draft of the website, you get two rounds of feedback to ask for any adjustments and improvements. The process is also overseen by a dedicated project manager that guarantees quality control.

We guarantee that you will get the first draft created within 20-30 business days. Just be sure to send us all the required information first — that will speed up the development.

You retain 100% ownership of the website. It’s yours for free. Just cover the essential running costs (for less than £30 per month).

Yes, for an extra fee. You can also purchase a web administration service that allows you to send us a task list every month, and we’ll manage your website for you. It’s only £50 per month to get us to look after, manage and change content on your website — or you can do all of that for free yourself with the content management system that we provide (it’s super simple to use).


No, we host your online store on WooCommerce — there are no transaction fees, so 100% of your proceeds go to you.